My Dearest Fellow Travelers,
I am thrilled, grateful, and somewhat intimidated to present SHIVOHAM - THE QUEST, a musical expression of my intensely personal journey over the last 20 years.
We are all seeking something. We call it love, happiness, success, peace. I am no exception. In early 2000, my longing for something “beyond” became more and more intense. I was a major participant in the world of global finance and business with all the trappings of success. Yet, I was tormented by life's bigger questions - "What is enough?" "Why am I here?" "What is success?" "What makes me happy?" "What if I wake up one day and find I have spent my time all wrong, and now it is too late?” had to find my answers.
In the early stages of this complicated journey, I turned to what I have relied on since childhood: prayer. Throughout my life, I have visited temples and churches, observed fasts, practiced rituals, bargained with "God". I was an equal opportunity devotee: scores of Sanskrit chants melded naturally with the Lord's Prayer! Why don't "You" show me the way? My pleas were multifaceted.
I took up music again - realized the happiest moments of my life had to do with it. I searched high and low for extraordinary masters and begged them to teach me - and for most of them the payment could only be in a lifetime of devotion to their honored musical traditions.
I would schedule classes at 6 a.m. - leaving my home at 3:30 am. to be back in time to meet my other commitments. From them, I learnt hundreds or devotional poems, which required exacting classical training; I sang 10 - 12 hours a day, losing myself, placing undue demands on my voice. I had no goal in mind - I was simply desperate to stay in that place of light that music took me to.
My initial albums Soul Mantra, Soul Call, and Soul March were fruits of these chants and musical prayers. I did not want to sing someone else's words, as I had so much music pouring out of me. My job was just to download and share what I was hearing in the universe. Soul call was born at 3 a.m. in the midst of deep sleep. I was compelled to rush out of bed to do a scratch recording of music that was playing - somewhere. The album garnered thousands of fans that wrote movingly about how it changed their lives and was nominated for a Grammy in 2011.
I lived, breathed, and existed to find the truth - but did not even know what it looked like. Meditations with Gurus, Buddhist Insight and Mette meditations, structured silence retreats from 2 to 10 days at a time - I did them all. There were priests, rabbis, gurus, healers from all religions and nations. I met Shamans in New Mexico and Arizona, Paes and Maes de Santos in the deepest parts of Brazil, psychics in Australia, Chinese mediums who came to look for me in NY. I slowly grasped the similarities in their message and their own unique approach of conveying it.
As I deepened my practice and ventured inside myself, I could actually have lucid conversations with my higher self. More fragments of songs were created during such conversations. More fragments of songs were created during such conversations. The ancient mystics were surely talking about my pain, expressing their “Song of Yearning”. Psalms from my convent school spoke to me in the same way the Shanti Mantra did in “Song of the Seeker.” I heard “Song of Blessings” in the plains of Texas on my sixth day of silence in a meditation retreat, but could not write it down (we were not allowed any devices - even pen and paper - for 10 days).
In one silence spell, I felt the complete dissolution of my body. I viscerally grasped that our bodies are but casings for a short period of time, but you have to really quiet down to understand it. Wondrous things happen when you do. I am the unbounded, universal Self - hence “Song of the Spirit”.
No amount of science could prove it to me like one experience could.
An encounter with a teacher so iridescent and loving beyond description, clarified for me that light beings, more evolved than I am, return to the Earth with many forms and faces to help us find our paths. “Song of the Teacher” told that story.
It felt natural to intersperse 6000-year-old Sanskrit prayer with new and old verses in English. The similarities of the intense yearning and the quest of mankind across oceans and time are heartbreaking; the recounted experiences of finding the light, breathtaking.
SHIVOHAM - THE QUEST was being born as a complete work, and these individual songs needed cohesive musical expression.
The intensive album creation process- structuring the compositions, ragas, workshops, arrangements, and recordings - started in earnest in January 2015 (Meanwhile, I had to take a break and organize my daughter’s wedding - not a trivial endeavor if you are of Indian origin!)
The arrangements had to be universal, crossing cultures, genres and time. I was also determined to collaborate with world-class artists, and to produce it with live performances, engineered to the highest standard, to honor this message. The 200-plus participants on this album are drawn from multiple countries. We recorded in nine studios across four continents.
Brilliant musicians like Teese Gohl and Kenny Werner reinterpret traditional Indian classical ragas; a London string symphony matches the lightning-swift moves of sitar and sarod; Renaissance instruments work with sarangi and esraj; five spectacular choirs from London, NY, India, Soweto, and the King’s Singers unite in glorious harmony; world-class rhythm master like Cyro Baptista and Jamey Haddad engage in percussion exchanges with Indian tabla, dhol, pakhawaj, and mridangam. It was an honor and privilege to work with them. I am grateful for the “heart” each and everyone of these maestros put into SHIVOHAM - THE QUEST
Such layered arrangements meant that we spent over a year piecing together a giant jigsaw under the discerning ears of Scott Cannizzaro, John Kiehl, Byron Wu, and Mirek Vana. Many a weekend in 2016 and 2017 was spent in Soundtrack studios with Scott, literally creating arrangements in real-time as we sifted through over 200 tracks for each song.
Meanwhile, my worldly pursuits are continuing apace, but I find myself moving from a somewhat self-absorbed view to a far broader connection with a formless reality, of which I believe we are all part. I spend most of my time in causes of education and the arts, critically examining my purity of purpose. There are periods of expanded and contracted light within me, but I am more aware of it. Mostly, I try to stay deep inside the ocean while the swells are turbulent above, which they always are, knowing they will change, that karma is alive and well, and that a loving force will take care of us all. I am grateful for the material gifts I have, and want to share them the best I can, without renunciation. However, my inner journey continues, and the cycle repeats…
Hardened businessmen, who would nervously laugh at my signature “Love Light Laughter”, now share vignettes from their own tortuous quests, forgotten dreams, and daily practices. I get glimpses into whole selves of people I have known for years along one dimension. I am actively seeking the light in everyone, however small the flame might be. Peace all around does not seem enough. I want the planet, the forces of nature, all beings, and myself to be enveloped in abundant blessing…all the time.
Sarva Mangalam Bhavatu Bhavatu Bhavatu: Let everything and everyone be blessed, let it be so, let it be so, let it be so.
I present SHIVOHAM - THE QUEST to you. I hope it will strike a chord and inspire you to reflect on your own journey. Perhaps we will learn from each other’s journeys as we go forward. Perhaps we will reflect more on how connected we are and celebrate it.
I dedicate this music to the seekers of the light everywhere and to the teachers that guide their path.
Love Light Laughter
The album evolved from living room workshops held with Kenny Werner, Brian Gill, John Kiehl, and Mirek Vana, to three gigantic binders of scores and structure sheets, revised endlessly, every page populated with the handwritten notes of Teese Gohl and myself.
The London Metropolitan Orchestra, the London Voices and the NYC Soul Chants Ensemble play and sings on nearly every track. The Indian instrumentalists and percussion ensembles also play on all, though we highlight different ones in each section. An Indian choir sang longer passages requiring extensive Sanskrit.
OVERTURE - Song of Beginnings
We ask for grace and blessings to remove obstacles along the way.
Gum Gana Pathaye Namaha
Vakratunda Mahaakaaya
Soorva Koti Samabrabha
Nirvignam Kurume Deva
Sarva Karyeshu Sarvadaa
Ganaanaam Tvaa Ganapati Gum Hava-Mahe
Kavim Kaviinaam-Upama-Shravas-Tamam
Jyessttha-Jam Brahmannaam Brahmanas Pata
Aa Nah Shranvan-Notibhih-Seeda-Saadanam
Om Shri Mahaa-Ganapataye Namah Om...
1. Song of the Seeker
Lead me to reality, lead me to the light, lead me to bliss...says the ancient Sanskrit text, with an adaptation of De Profundis (Psalm 130).
Asato Maa Sad Gamaya
Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Maa Amritam Gamaya
Out of the depths I cry to you Oh Lord,
Lord hear my voice
Let your ears be attentive
To the voice of my pleading
I place all my trust in you my God
All my hope is in your mercy
If you Oh Lord should mark our sins
Lord who would survive?
But with you is found forgiveness
Therefore we beseech you
2. Song of the Worldly Dance
A quiet voice reminds us there is more, even as we are entangled in the worldly dance. Cyro Baptista and Jamey Haddad meet several drums from India. Anthony Pike of London plays the clarinet, Gil Goldstein, the accordion, with Indian soloists on sitar, sarod and flute.
Wake up! Life is fleeting;
Wake up! It's getting late
Wake up! The drums are beating
Marching to the gate!
Uth Jag Musafir, Bhor Bhayee
Asato Maa Sad Gamaya
Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya
Mritvor Maa Amritam Gamaya
3. Song of Yearning
Is a further definition of the seeker’s dream-to find love, to find the divine in real form beyond an abstract idea. Tom Kemp from London played the violin, Peter Calo, the guitar, and Gil Goldstein, the accordion.
Daras Bina Dhukh Na Lage Naina
Every breath I take is because of your grace
Why oh why my Lord, do I forget your face?
Every word I say, but a part in your play
Why did I my Lord, not think of you today?
Every song I sing, a rhythm of your heart
How can my Lord, bear to be apart?
Such beauty all around, painted by your hand
Let me feel your love, make me understand
Every bird, every bee, every flower, every tree
Sing Radhe Radhe Govinda (of divine love)
Gentle breezes refrain, the sound of falling rain,
Singing Radhe Radhe Govinda
Let me see, let me hear
Let your shining form appear
Talk to me, dance with me, and be mine
Show me love Radhe Radhe,
Shine the light Radhe Radhe
Let me drown in your love divine
Radhe Krishna Govinda Daras Dhikhao
1. Song of Destruction
Na Ma Shi Va Ya, which correspond to air, water, fire, ether, and space- five elements that make up all matter. Continuous repetition of this mantra is said to purify the elements in and around us and free the light within. The song is set to a 10-beat rhythm cycle, Jhap Taal.
Vande Shambhum Umapathi Sura Gurum
Vande Jagat Karanam
Vande Pannaga Bhooshana MrigaDharam
Vande Pashunaam pathim
Vande Soorya Shashanka Vahni Nayanam
Vande Mukunda Priyam
Vande Bhaktha Janaashrayamcha Varadam
Vande Shivam Shankaram (3)
Om Namashivaya Om Namashivaya
All my fears destroy- Om Namashivaya
Pierce my veil of sadness;
free me from all madness
All my fears destroy-Om Namashivaya
Crush my hate, my anger;
envy, greed, no longer
All my fears destroy-Om Namashivaya
Cut the ropes that bind me.
Shine the light. Remind me
All my fears destroy Om Namashivaya
2. Song of Compassion
A prayer extolling the many virtues of the mother goddess and asking for grace - Namosthuthe - salute you. Peter Calo played guitar and Pandit Ronu Majumdar, the flute.
Soorya Koti Prateekasam
Chandra Koti Sama Prabham
Tan Madhye Nikaram Sookshmam
Bramha Roopa Vivasthitham
Omkaram Paramanandam
Sadaiva Sukha Sundareem
Siddha Lakshmi Moksha Lakshmi
Adi Lakshmi Namosthuthe
Sarva Mangala Mangalye
Shive Sarvartha Sadhike
Sharanye Triyambake Gowri
Narayani Namosthuthe
Namosthuthe Namosthuthe
Open this heart, Mother Divine
I want to let it shine, shine
Namasthesthu Mahamaye, Shri Pete Sura Poojithe
Shankha Chakra Gadha Hashe Mahalakshmi Namosthuthe
Namasthe Garudarude Kolasura Bhayankari
Sarva Papa Hare Devi Mahalakshmi Namosthuthe
Sarvajne Sarva Varadhe Sarva Dushta Bhayankari
Sarva Dhukha Hare Devi Mahalakshmi Namosthuthe
Siddhi Buddhi Pradhe Devi Bhukthi Mukthi Pradhayini
Mantra Moore Sada Devi Mahalakshmi Namosthuthe
Adhyantarahite Devi Adishakti Maheshwari
Yogagne Yoga Sambhoothe Mahalakshmi Namosthuthe
Sthoola Sukshma Maha Roudre Maha Shakthi Mahodhare
Maha Papa Hare Devi Mahalakshmi Namosthuthe
Padma Sabasthithe Devi Para Brahma Swaroopini
Parameshi Jaganmata Mahalakshmi Namosthuthe
Swetambara Dhare Devi Naanalankara Bhooshite
Jagastithe Jaganmata Mahalakshmi Namosthuthe
3. Song of Surrender
Om Na Mo Na Ra Ya Na Ya--these eight syllables are said to harmonize the energies in one’s body. I offer all to you, my thoughts, words, and actions. Solo artists include Romero Lubambo on the guitar, Martin Bejerano on the piano, and Jamev Haddad on the drums.
Kayena Vacha Manasendriyairva
Buddhyatmanavat Prakrite Swabhavat
Karomiyadyat Sakalam Parasmai
Narayanayeti Samarpayami
I place all my trust in you, my God
All my hope is in your mercy
My spirit's longing to be free
Lord shine the light
My quest is more but I can't see
Therefore beseech you
4. Song of the Teacher
The Sanskrit chants express reverence for the teacher who lights your path to Shivoham. Martin Bejerano on the piano echoes Shubhayu Majumdar's esraj.
Gurur Bramha Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheshwara
Gurur Sakshat ParaBramha
Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha
Om Shri Gurubhyo Namaha Harihi Om
Walk into the room and I see the sage
With a tace and smile so bright
He looks as if he hasn't got a care in this world
He glows with a special light
A special light, a special light
He glows with a special light
Guruji won't you share with me
The secret of the light in your eyes
have to know, and I want that glow
To fill my heart and reach the skies
He said breathe, meditate,
Calm your restless mind,
You are the light, Shivoham,
Look inside and love you will find
Shivoham Shivoham Shivoham Shivoham…
Guruji how can it be
I've missed this possibility?
Looking in places far and wide
But love right inside of me?
I need to reach this stage of bliss
I'll take your word on where it is
Just teach me how
And lead the way
I'll do just what you say.
I will breathe, I'll meditate
Calm my restless mind
I am the light, Shivoham,
Look inside and love I'll find.
Shivoham Shivoham Shivoham Shivoham…
Dhyana Moolam Gurur Moorthim
Pooja Moolam Gurur Padam
Mantra Moolam Gurur Vakyam
Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa
1. Song of Light
The Gayatri Mantra says, "May the light inside me shine as bright as a billion suns". The Sanskrit extract from the Nirvana Shatkam of the 8th century AD says, "I have no form. I am everywhere. I am unbounded. I am bliss. I am Shivoham". Kenny Werner is on the piano, with the King's Singers from the UK, with their team: Claire Long, Adrian Peacock, and Robert Rice.
Om Bhur Bhuvasvaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat
Lead kindly light
Amid th'encircling gloom
Lead thou me on
The night is dark
And am far from home
Lead thou me on
Keep thou my feet;
I do not ask to see
The distant scene
One step enough for me
Lead light of lights
Shine bright inside of me
Lead thou me on
The path is long
And must now be free
Lead thou me on
Keep thou my heart; place my fears with thee
Love's force unseen
One step enough for me
Aham Nirvikalpam Nirakara Roopam
Vibhutvacha Sarvatra Sarvendriyanam
Sada Me Samatwam Na Muktir Na Bandho
Chidananda Roopa Shivoham Shivoham
2. Song of the Spirit
Two profound sayings from ancient texts - Aham Bramhasmi - I am the universal spirit; and Tat Twam Asi, Soham-I am THAT, light and bliss.
Feeling the love for humanity
My path is peace and harmony, all in unity
I honor God in you and me, my divinity
The universal spirit lives inside of me
Bramha Vishnu Shiva-| greet God in many ways
I feel God in this creation, I see God in every face
Moksha’s liberation, choose your path to be free
But I respect and honor all. God bless you and me
Sarveshaam Swastir Bhavatu Sarveshaam Shantir Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu
Sarve Bhavantu Sukinaha Sarve Santu Niramayah
Sarve Bhadrani Paschyanti Maa Kaschit Dhukh Bhag Bhavet
My roots so very ancient, older than the sea
Been here before, will be again for eternity
I am a part of everyone. You all belong to me
am the universal spirit
The world's my family.
We are the universal spirit.
We are one family.
Poormnamadhah Poornamidham
Poornath Poornmudhachyate
Poornath Poorna Mudhachyate
Poornameva vashsisvate
Hari Om Shanthi Hari Om Shanthi
3. Song of Peace
An ancient Vedic chant is sung as a hymn with a concluding mantra saluting
and honoring all the elements. Kenny Werner (piano) and Ronu Majumdar (flute) have a conversation.
Dyauh Shanthi Antarikshagum Shanthi
Prithvi Shanthi Apah Shanthi
Oushadhaya Shanti Vanaspathaya Shanthi
Vishve Devah Shanthi Bramha Shanthi
Sarvam Shanthi Shanti Reva Shanti
Sama Shanti Redi, Shanti Shanti shanti
Peace on the Earth, peace only peace
Peace light the universe, peace
Peace in the waters, peace in the air
Peace still the fires, everywhere
Peace for all beings, peace for mankind
Peace be my spirit, peace fill my mind
Peace, peace
Om Sham No Mitrah Sham Varunnah
Sham No Bhavatv-Aryamaa
Sham No Indro Brhaspatih
Sham No Vissnnur-Urukramah
Namo Brahmanne Namaste Vaayo
Tvaameva Pratyakssam Brahmaasi
Tvaameva Pratyakssam Brahma Vadissyaami
Rrtam Vadissyaami Satyam Vadissyaami
TanMaam-Avatu Tad-Vaktaaram-Avatu
Avatu Maam |Avatu Vaktaaram
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
4. Song of Blessings
Let everything be blessed.
Let it be so; let it be so; let it be so
The Soweto Gospel Choir and their soloists join the NY Soul Chants Ensemble,
Ronu Majumdar (flute), and several soloists.
Sarva Mangalam Bhavatu Bhavatu Bhavatu Bhavatu
Bhoomi Mangalam, Udaka Mangalam, Agni Mangalam, Vayu Mangalam
Gagan Mangalam, Soorya Mangalam, Chandra Mangalam, Jagat Mangalam
Jeeva Mangalam, Deha Mangalam, Mano Mangalam, Atma Mandalam
May the Lord bless and keep us
May the light always shine
Let's all find Shivoham
Feel grace all the time
Mangalam, Sarva Mangalam
Om Saha Nāvavatu Saha Nau Bhunaktu
Saha Vīryam Karavāvahai
Tejasvi Nāvadhītamastu Mā Vidvisāvahai
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi
Chandrika Tandon
Teese Gohl, Tejendra Narayan Majumdar, Snehasish Mozumder, Byron Wu, Berty Rice (King's Singers)
John Kiehl, Teese Gohl, Mirek Vana, Ron Kunene (Soweto), Claire Long, Adrian Peacock (King's Singers)
Scott Cannizzaro - Soundtrack Studios
Ted Jensen - Sterling Sound
London Voices directed by Terry Edwards, Soul Chants Ensemble of New York, Soweto Gospel Choir, The King's Singers, Soloists from Ajoy Chakrabarty School of Music of Kolkata
London Metropolitan Orchestra - directed by Andy Brown
Percussion ensembles from India - Kolkata and Mumbai
Kenny Werner (Piano), Martin Bejerano (Piano), Sally Heath (Piano), Romero Lubambo (Guitar), Peter Calo (Guitar), Pedro da Silva (Portuguese Guitar), Jamey Haddad (percussion) Cyro Baptista (percussion), Thomas Kemp (Violin), Gil Goldstein (Accordion), Anthony Pike (Clarinet), Pandit Ronu Majumdar (Flute), Sandeep Mishra (Sarangi Pratik Shrivastava (Sarod), Shubhayu Sen Majumdar (Esraj)
High Viz Media and others
Clive Jacobson
Abbey Road Studios (London)
Steve McLaughlin
British Grove (London)
Steve McLaughlin
Soundtrack Studios (NYC)
Scott Cannizzaro
Sear Sound (NYC)
Jay Messina, Angie Teo, Chris Allen, Owen Mulholland, Grant Valentine
Jack Mason, Alex Hendrickson, Jeremy Russell, Matthew Soares
Studio OM (Kolkata)
Bobbie Prasad
Ajivasan Sounds (Mumbai)
Avadhoot Wadkar
SABC Studios (Johannesburg)
World of Sound (London)
Adam Goldsmith
Eren Basbug, Alok Dutt, Brian Gill, Roy Hendrickson, Rob Jaczko, Alex Lacamoire, Jamon Maple, Danilo Pérez, Simone Scazzocchio, Marcus Sjowall, Greer Williams, and over 200 extraordinary artists for being part of Shivoham - the Quest.
My gratitude to the universe for setting me on this journey and giving me the music; for the teachers who inspire me every day, and for people all around that support me in ways big and small...